Give And Take

Hi Everyone,

Today’s topic was based on the idea of give and take in today’s economy. Image result for give and take

But, before we got into today’s topic, we did a quick starter on vocabulary related to emergencies – medical, natural, and other dangers. Sometimes we may be faced with a situation that can be dangerous or life threatening . But, in most cases it is best to remain calm and call 911 for help.Related imageRelated image

It’s always good to be prepared for an unexpected event whether you are home and out in your neighborhood!

Ok, now let’s get to give and take. These two common verbs have lots of meaning and uses – both verbs have collocations and phrasal verbs that are used all the time in English. We reviewed some of these uses and meanings take a look at these graphics:Image result for give collocations

Image result for phrasal verb give

Next, take a look at these graphics of collocations and phrasal verbs with Take:

Collocations with TAKE

Image result for phrasal verb take

Again, there are lots of these expressions, collocations and phrasal verbs with give and take. Here is the practice  we did together, using both give and take to complete the sentences.

So, what do you think of when we say give and take? Related image

Give and take is an exchange, between people, or a transaction with let’s say you buying coffee at Starbucks -they take your money and give you a cup of coffee. We give and take opinions, experience, time, knowledge, and conversation. So, basically, this is sharing. But what about the “sharing economy”? Image result for what is the sharing economy

It is basically an economic system is which things or goods and services are shared between private individuals, either free or for a fee. Some common elements of this are needs, consumers, trust, technology and community. We talked about what our experiences have been in the sharing economy, since most of us have used Uber, Lyft and Airbnb, and others. We watched this video called “Shareconomy” which talks about what is going on, what people are doing, and how they feel about this sharing economy. Take another look here:

After watching we discussed the issues raised by both the consumers and the producers in the sharing economy. We talked about the different perspectives of the people in the film. We also talked about the downside of this economy, But we all agreed it is a growing economy and offers people opportunity and choice on both sides. We talked about all the various types of companies out there, and felt that over time more and more people will become a part of the sharing economy. It’s good for the environment, and we can get goods and services quicker and cheaper.

Remember to relax and practice!

(and stay calm!)